Terms of Service
Terms of Service
- Wednesday, 27th March, 2019
- 04:36am
- Service interruption or data loss due to overdue on payment.
- Service interruption or data loss due to customer faulty operation or behavior.
- Service interruption or data loss due to customer website or content violated Resource Abuse Definitions and Handling Rules
- Service interruption or data loss due to war or other irregular social issues.
- Please backup your data on a regular basis.
- Due to the nature of physical server rental, we can not monitoring the disk. Please install and monitor disk status after service delivery.
- We can replace disks if any physical issue is detected (e.g., bad blocks). However, we don't responsible for data loss due to disk failure.
- Service suspension on the day of expire, and termination after 7 days.
Unmanaged Service
We don't offer managed service at this time.
We guarantee 99% service uptime SLA. For unexpected downtime, we will extend customer service time 3 times as downtime, as compensation.
Network Stability
We connects multiple uplink NSPs and utilize Route Optimizer from INAP to maximize our network performance. However, we can not interfere specific network issues in mainland China, thus we do not guarantee the network performance to mainland China.
Data Analysis and Blocking
To ensure service quality, we might analyse traffic through our network backbone. We will not disclose any data to third-party except law enforcement. In addition, we may block any suspicious traffic that affecting network security.
Entire Agreement
Please read full terms of service carefully. We do not offer refund after service delivery.
Law enforcement
You must obey law of service location and your country to use our service.
You must submit any order with your real and exact information. Any fraud order will result in cancellation and no refund.
ToS Updates and Notice
We will revise our ToS when necessary, and notify you on important pages.
Resource Abuse Definitions and Handling Rules
User obligation
- Anonymous Proxy is strictly prohibited.
- Multiple accounts will be merged.
- Illegal content is strictly prohibited.
- Any service that may cause IP blocked by China Firewall is prohibited.
- Any suspicious traffic such as attacks, hacks, scanning or brute force is prohibited.
- Spam / UBE is prohibited.
- Piracy is prohibited.
- We do not offer push services between customer accounts.
- Any service that may cause DDoS to our or other networks is prohibited.
- User responsible for whole account behavior and security.
- We treat any order as direct channel order except authorized reseller.
Resource Usage Convention
- No network abuse.
- No intended high load usage on system parts that causing hardware failure.
Abuse Handling Rules
- Network abuse will result in service suspension. Multiple times will result in account termination.
- Hacking, phishing, spamming, password or vulnerability scanning will result in account termination.
- Proxy service that cause IP blocked by China Firewall will result in service termination.
- We will null-route IP that being attacked or attacking other networks. Multiple times will result in account termination.
- We do not accept IP change requests. For special cases please contact support.
- Service or contents that caused IP to be blocked by China Firewall will result in penalty of one month service fee.
When we receive any valid court order or search warrant by local law enforcement, we may disclose necessary data to the specific law enforcement agency.
- 因用户欠费、不续费或者遗忘续费导致的服务无法访问(使用)或数据丢失等。
- 因用户的操作或其他相关行为不当导致的服务无法访问(使用)或数据丢失等。
- 因用户的网站内容或使用行为违反《用户义务和资源使用公约、滥用处理方案》合约第一条规定导致的无法访问或数据丢失等。
- 因战争、武装冲突、罢工、骚乱、暴动等重大社会非正常事件导致的无法访问或数据丢失等。
- 因不可抗力包括但不限于:自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行等,以及社会事件如:战争、动乱、政府行为、电信主干线路中断、骇客、网路堵塞、电信部门技术调整和政府管制等不可抗力。
- 服务器没有提供数据冗余备份,请自行做好异地备份操作。
- 由于物理机完全租用服务的特性,我们无法监控硬盘状态。请用户在服务交付后自行安装硬盘监控程序。
- 若用户检测到硬盘坏块等问题,可要求我们更换硬盘。因硬盘本身意外故障导致的数据丢失,年付客户补偿相同套餐 2 个月使用期,月付客户补偿相同套餐使用期 1 个月,但不承担客户数据价值的损失。
- 服务到期后即关机暂停服务,第七天删除服务,一旦删除数据不可恢复。
赔偿方案:根据服务宕机时间的 3 倍进行赔偿,赔偿以延长服务时间发放。
本站修改 3 天后视为接受服务条款的变动。
- 禁止非法海外代理用途。
- 禁止多开账号(小号),否则我们会强制合并。
- 禁止上传中国、美国或服务所在地法律严禁的内容,包括但不限于:非法赌博、介绍犯罪等。
- 禁止上传和宣传淫秽、色情、儿童色情等非法内容,包括但不限于:使用反向代理展示网站等。
- 禁止架设 VPN 或 SSH 及其他任何可能导致 IP 被中国防火墙封锁的代理程序(包括 API 程序)。
- 禁止使用主机对外、对内发包,ARP 攻击,ARP 劫持,扫描弱口令,恶意穷举和干扰其它服务器运行。
- 禁止使用主机发送垃圾邮件(SPAM)、垃圾信息(留言、帖子),散播木马、病毒(包括引用其它服务器的恶意文件)。
- 禁止上传版权(盗版、仿牌)内容。
- 不接受将服务器转到其它帐号(Push)。
- 禁止上传容易受 DDoS 流量攻击的网站或程序(私服、药品、政治、外挂)
- 用户将对电子邮件地址、手机号码和密码安全负全部责任,并且用户对以其用户名进行的所有活动和事件负全责。
- 用户将自己的电子邮件地址、手机号码、密码擅自转让或授权他人使用,由用户承担由此造成的一切后果。
- 如果用户出现辱骂客服的行为,我们有权拒绝继续提供服务。
- 除非特殊申请,我们仅为客户做直接客户服务。没有授权“代购”或“第三方代购并转让其它使用者使用”,若出现任何相关问题,我们都视为购买者(直接客户)造成的主动(或被动)导致的行为。
- 不得长时间满负荷占用峰值带宽或使用影响数据中心公共网络性能。
- 不得恶意消耗服务器算力和硬件寿命。
- 长时间满负荷占用峰值带宽或使用影响数据中心公共网络性能的,我们将暂停您的服务器联系协商处理。多次出现则自动锁定您的服务器,需联系客服协商备份转移。
- 服务器对外扫描弱口令或端口等被数据中心监测并投诉,不管是主动或被动,锁定服务器直到过期。
- 版权(盗版)内容若被数据中心或版权组织投诉,不管是主动或被动,锁定服务器直到过期。
- 服务器对外发送垃圾邮件或垃圾信息被数据中心投诉,不管是主动或被动,锁定服务器直到过期。
- VPN 等任何代理程序用途导致 IP 被中国防火墙封锁的,锁定服务器直到过期。
- 服务器大流量 DDoS 攻击(被攻击或主动对外攻击),空路由封禁 IP 24 小时。频繁被攻击的,解封后提供 24 小时备份数据并终止服务,锁定服务器直到过期。
- 服务器内网攻击、ARP 劫持,不管是主动或被动,锁定服务器联系协商处理,多次出现终止服务。
- 账号下出现 1 台钓鱼、诈骗等严重投诉或 1 台以上投诉,将对该账号下所有服务器视实际情况采取包括但不限于:锁定至到期、立即终止(直接删除无备份时间)等处理。
- 由于 IP 资源有限,且每台服务器均提供多个 IP,服务交付后原则上不接受 IP 更换请求。如有特殊情况,请联系客服处理。
- 如客户不当操作、违规内容、架设 VPN 等服务导致我们 IP 被中国防火墙封锁,我们将收取服务器一个月的费用并封锁服务器至过期。
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